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Dr Jeanne Galloway

10 February 2025

Director of Philanthropy, Engagement and Partnerships (PEP) at UWC Atlantic College

Jeanne is a recognised leader in community engagement and organisational advancement and joined UWCA in 2024. Jeanne’s extensive charity and NGO background spans various sectors, including higher education, wellness/healthcare, social justice, and international aid work. She has been a leading fundraiser for significant US and international organisations such as: College Success Foundation, Bloodworks NW, Los Angeles Mission, and World Vision International. Her role prior to UWCA was as the Vice President of Advancement and Strategic Engagements at Bastyr University, the largest natural health and wellness-focused university in the United States. In addition to her expertise in organisational development, Jeanne is also a licensed physician who applies the skills she learned in holistic medicine to help teams thrive. 

“The fundamentals of holistic medicine apply to the human body as well as to community organisations. We need to be looking for root causes to solve problems, providing the right supports, removing obstacles to growth, and truly listening to others in order to understand organisational complexities. I am fortunate to be able to combine my backgrounds in such a meaningful way and am privileged to work with the stellar professionals at UWC Atlantic to further build the vitality of this important institution.”