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Farid Chanan

10 February 2025

Spanish and English Teacher, UWC Atlantic College

Farid, is from Mexico and teaches English and Spanish at UWC Atlantic College. It’s Farid’s first
time teaching at a UWC but being a graduate of UWC Mahindra himself, he knows exactly the
impact a mission-led education can have.

“The learning the students gain through this experience is something that they'll have with them
forever. It's a critical age, but the perfect age to change their mindset and framework to learn to
take on things that are not right in the world.”

“I tell my students, that the friends you make here are for life! You meet them at such a sensitive
age, the connection is so strong, they’ll be with you forever.”

“I see myself reflected in the students, I try to understand what they’re going through. I hope to
set a good example to the students as someone who is not just a teacher but also empathic and
kind, as many students can come from complex and difficult backgrounds.”

“Even though I’ve only been at UWC Atlantic for two years, I feel like I’ve come home. Home for
me is where you feel comfortable and loved and I feel that here.”