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Marija Uzunova Dang

10 February 2025

Vice Principal Learning and Innovation, Tutor at UWC Atlantic College

“It's a distinct privilege to be part of UWC Atlantic at a time when we are being responsive to the moral imperative of educating global youth for just futures.”

Born and raised in the Macedonian southeast, Marija is a learning designer and international educator with experience across India, Europe and North America. Her interest and expertise are in critical place-based pedagogies, feminist systems leadership, and above all education as a liberation practice.

“To empower and equip young people to challenge unjust status quos and take on the sustained work of systems transformation - this is what it takes to be at the forefront of progressive international education today.”

Marija has been at UWCs since 2013; among her different roles she served as Head of Outdoor Education at UWC Mahindra College and more recently led the design and development of Pearson College UWC's Climate Action Leadership Diploma. With her husband Arvin she is the co-author of a textbook on the politics of knowledge, co-conspirator in climate justice movement work, co-leader of high altitude Himalayan expeditions, and pet co-parent of four animals.